A Question about the origin theory of COVID-19 “Sars-CoV2 or Novel Coronavirus”, the virus that has caused the pandemic in the Earth, and has got sensationalized since Donald Trump U.S. President raised allegations that it spread from a lab in China. The US-China ties are at stake due to such allegations by the US president.
According to scientists who have studied on this, the virus originated from an animal, and probably entered the human beings. One of the WHO Scientist suggested that Covid-19 comes from bats and can infect cats and ferrets, he also said further research is needs to be done to find out for any animal relation to the disease.
Origin of COVID-19 still a mystery
It’s still unclear which animal may have transmitted the disease to humans, or it is developed in the Wuhan Lab of China and transmitted to humans. SO, origins of COVID-19 still a mystery for scientists.
In the hope of identifying the original source of the virus, scientists are constantly working on research so that will help them to find a drug or vaccine for the treatment of COVID-19, Australian scientists are using high-performance computer modelling to study the virus’s ability with a target of 12 varieties of exotic and domestic animals.
How COVID-19 spread in humans
The virus might have spread in humans from the animals kept for food supply. It is still anonymous for scientists to determine which species caused the spread into the human body. Studies are showing that dogs are susceptible to Covid 19. Scientist said, adding that it’s important to find out which animals can get it to avoid creating a “reservoir” in another species.
The first human case of COVID-19 was detected in the Wuhan city of China in December 2019, where most people had contact with the animal market. By the end of December 2019 it got spread in Wuhan and Hubei Province of china.
According to updated WHO Timeline – COVID-19 on 27th April 2020, the first case of novel coronavirus outside of China was recorded in the Thailand on 13th January 2020. In USA, the first known case of COVID-19 was confirmed on 20th Jan 2020 in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington in a man who had returned from Wuhan on 15 January. And today it has spread to almost every country.
How countries have affected by this novel coronavirus epidemic
It would seem that COVID-19 is the top headlines of today’s news channels and daily newspapers in every country that indicates this pandemic has been spread globally. Let us look into the numbers from China and the top five countries that have been severely affected by COVID-19.
China was the first country which was affected, where first COVID-19 case was seen in December 2019 in the central city Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. And till the end of the year 2019, it was spread in the whole Province. As a COVID-19 tracker data provided on 24th May 2020.
- Total confirmed cases – 82,974
- Active cases – 79
- Recovered cases – 78,261
- Fatal/Death cases – 4,634
And the current situation is
[cvct country-code=”CN” style=”style-4″ title=”China (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
Presently situation is very much under control in China.
In the USA, the first COVID-19 case was confirmed on 20th Jan 2020 in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington where a man had returned from Wuhan on 15 January. The situation is totally out of control here and the Cases are continually spreading to almost all the parts of US. As a report on 24 May 2020, the cases have been recorded in the United States of America.
- Total confirmed cases – 16,57,212
- Active cases – 12,24,371
- Recovered cases – 3,35,415
- Fatal/Death cases – 97,426
And current situation report is.
[cvct country-code=”US” style=”style-4″ title=”USA (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
After the USA, Brazil is on the top second position in the world where a huge number of Coronavirus cases have recorded and rising regularly. As on 24 May 2020 report the total confirmed, recovered and fatal cases in Brazil have been recorded.
- Total confirmed cases – 3,49,113
- Active cases – 1,84,361
- Recovered cases – 1,42,587
- Fatal/Death cases – 22,165
The today’s update has figured out below.
[cvct country-code=”BR” style=”style-4″ title=”Brazil (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
The coronavirus cases were confirmed to have spread to Russia on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese citizens in Tyumen, Siberia and Chita, Russian Far East tested for Corona, both of them were positive and were contained separately. The infection was spread from Italy on 30 March.
Russia has become the country with third-most cases in the world, after the United States and Brazil. According to official figures as of 24 May 2020 in Russia has been recorded.
- Total confirmed cases – 3,44,481
- Active cases – 2,27,641
- Recovered cases – 1,13,299
- Fatal/Death cases – 3,541
The Current data is here
[cvct country-code=”RU” style=”style-4″ title=”Russia (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
The first case of COVID 19 in Spain was confirmed on 31 January 2020, when a German tourist was found infected with Corona in La Gomera, Canary Island. By mid-February, the community transmission began in Spain, and by 13 March the cases had been confirmed in all 50 provinces of the country. As a report on 24 May 2020, the total confirmed cases, active, recovered and fatal cases were in Spain.
- Total confirmed cases – 2,82,370
- Active cases – 1,03,316
- Recovered cases – 1,50,376
- Fatal/Death cases – 28,678
See Today’s update below.
[cvct country-code=”ES” style=”style-4″ title=”Spain (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
Currenty recovered cases figure is not available for Spain, so recovered figure shown “0” in above data.
United Kingdom:
The ongoing pandemic cases of COVID-19 spread to the United Kingdom in late January 2020. As of 24 May 2020, there have been
- Total confirmed cases – 2,57,154
- Active cases – 2,20,479
- Recovered cases – N/A
- Fatal/Death cases – 36,675
The world’s second-highest death rate per capita among major countries and 0 recovered cases.
Figure out the current cases report in the United Kingdom below.
[cvct country-code=”GB” style=”style-4″ title=”United Kingdom (Covid-19 Status Update )” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Deaths” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#222″]
Currently recovered cases data is not available for the UK, so recovered figure shown “0” in the above data.
Here in this article, I have only discussed the top 5 Coronavirus spread countries, after China. However, the whole world is now under the grip of this pandemic. You can see the global impact of this novel coronavirus pandemic in the Figure given below.
[cvct country-code=”all” style=”style-1″ title=”Worldwide Covid-19 Update” label-total=”😷 Total Cases” label-deaths=”😥 Death Cases” label-recovered=”😇 Recovered” bg-color=”transparent” font-color=”#444″]
Stay cool and safe at home, and keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Further Reading:
How covid-19 affected digital marketing world (Global eMagazine)
A Timeline Of The COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Origin Theory (Forbes)
Where did Covid-19 come from? What we know about its origins (The Guardian)